To revive, restore and renew lost souls in love back to God through the power of Thanksgiving.


Exodus 4: 3-5 “And he said, cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent, and Moses fled from before it.


Organizing praise and worship meetings to enable the believers to Thank God better. Job 1:20-21.



Faith: We believe that no man will experience the hand of God in any situation if he lacks faith, so, we are consciously building the mind of believers daily by engaging them in the Thanksgiving declaration with Mantle-” Rosary”. Hebrews 11:1.

Commitment: To win any race in life, one must be committed to paying the sacrifice before positive results can be assured. We live in a world where distraction is inevitable and many times, this has been the major reason why many people have lost their place in God. Building a community of vibrant believers who will oversee that everyone connected to our ministry is on track and doing God’s bidding in their various endeavors. 2 Timothy 2:15.

Fellowship: The company you keep is significant if growth in Christ is what you desire. We are deliberate about supporting worshipers with the right teachings that enable them to feel loved and motivated in God’s presence. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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Life Impacted
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Transformational Impact
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Testimonies and still counting
Mr And Mrs Olamide Yusuf...God remember them through the declaration of "Thank You Jesus" They both relocate to the Uk and are happily married...
Mr And Mrs Olamide Yusuf
Mrs Olushola lost her home for 7 years but God restored it.
Mrs Olushola
Oluwaseun was connected back to his family after 25 years.